I was talking to Connie and I realized that every blog that I post here seems to have a common theme and when I went to go look at the evidence, guess what? It was totally true. If you know me, I am not a very avid blogger. I like to blog occasionally. I set up this blog before coming to Taiwan with the intention of writing in it like every week. HA! I laugh because in no way did I accomplish this goal.
Okay, well, I guess a self-I-told-you-so would be in order. This is just like my journal writing habits. They are well intentioned, but in the end they peter out. I would seem that nothing happens to me here in Taiwan, when in fact many things have happened you just don't hear about them unless you are here with me.
So, on to the main point of this blog. I always post about staying here longer in Taiwan and you guessed it, I am staying here another six months in Taiwan. I had decided to finally go back to America, but I decided about a month ago to stay here longer. I will be going home for Christmas to California and then flying to visit my brother and other family and friends in Utah for New Years. And then I am coming back here to teach English at my same school.